Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur who’s been sharing her multiple looks from Cannes 2023, attended the premiere in a custom-made Falguni Shane Peacock gown. She made her red carpet debut at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival in a custom-made gown from the house of Falguni Shane Peacock. The actress was photographed at the festival attending the premiere of Sean Penn’s Black Flies on Thursday. Sharing her red carpet look on her official Instagram handle, the actress wrote, “A night to remember.”
Take a look at breathtaking pictures of Mrunal Thakur
The ‘Jersey’ actress has been dropping pictures of her different outfits at Cannes. She had previously donned a sequinned lavender saree Falguni Shane Peacock. Mrunal was also seen in an Anamika Khanna “hood couture.”
On the professional front, the actress last appeared in Gumraah and Selfiee, and her upcoming releases include Pippa and Pooja Meri Jaan.
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