A man purportedly murdered his pregnant wife due to his extramarital affair under the jurisdiction of Madhotal police station in Jabalpur on Saturday night, Police reported. Initially, the accused, identified as Shubham Choudhary, attempted to deceive the police by portraying the incident as a robbery while en route to his wife’s residence. However, upon investigation, the police discovered that Shubham, accompanied by three associates, was responsible for his wife’s death.
Madhotal police station in-charge Vipin Tamrakar said, “Following the incident, Shubham has filed a complaint. But during investigation, we got to know that he was having an affair for the last 10 years and because of this he wants to get rid of his wife and committed the crime.”
“During investigation, we found contradictions in Shubham Choudhary’s statement after which, family circumstances, and his call history details were scrutinized and we got to know about his relations with the woman. Later, during interrogation he confessed his crime,” he added.
The accused, Shubham, fabricated a narrative claiming that after visiting a nearby shrine, he, his wife, and their 1.5-year-old child were traveling to her maternal home on Saturday in a car. He alleged that three assailants on two motorcycles began hurling stones at them. As a result, he purportedly lost consciousness after being struck by a stone. Subsequently, the accused attempted to snatch the pregnant woman’s ‘mangalsutra’, but when she resisted, they reportedly strangled her in front of her 1.5-year-old child before fleeing the scene.
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