Avinash Gehlot, the Social Justice Minister, visited the Mehandipur Balaji Temple on Tuesday to offer prayers and seek blessings. During his visit, he expressed gratitude for the special blessings of Lord Balaji, marking his first meeting with Mahant Nareshpuri Maharaj of the temple trust. Gehlot emphasized their commitment to serving the 8 crore population of Rajasthan, and when visiting religious places, their wish is for all activities to contribute to the welfare of the people.
He highlighted the significance of the country’s sages and saints, attributing all happenings to their blessings. Gehlot noted the end of a 500-year wait for the Sanatanis and praised the commendable work of the Mahant in serving Lord Ram’s devotees in Ayodhya.
During the visit, Gehlot reiterated his belief that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will serve for a third term, and the BJP will secure 25 Lok Sabha seats in Rajasthan.
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