New Delhi: Xiaomi on Tuesday released a new version of its famous laptop lineup, called the Mi Notebook 14 (IC) in the Indian market. The laptop will be available in silver colour at a starting price of Rs 43,999 on, Mi Homes,, Flipkart and retail partners. The notebook features a 14-inch full-HD (1,920×1,080 pixels) anti-glare display with 16:9 aspect ratio, 81.2 percent screen-to-body ratio, and 178-degree wide-viewing angle. It is powered by the 1.6GHz Intel Core i5-10210U quad-core processor paired with Intel UHD Graphics 620 and the option to integrate Nvidia GeForce MX250 graphics with up to 8GB of RAM as well as up to 512GB of SSD storage. The notebook weighs 1.5Kgs also sports an in-built 720p HD Webcam and runs on Windows 10 Home Edition. Mi NoteBook (IC) offers a 65Wh battery with 10 hours of battery backup with 65W fast charging that can charge the battery up to 50 per cent in under 35 minutes.
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