A 43-year-old man from Maharashtra’s Thane district is in police custody for impersonating a CBI officer and defrauding an individual of Rs 26 lakh, according to authorities. The victim, a 51-year-old resident of Mira Road, was a partner in a metal refining company in Palghar, involved in recycling scrapped batteries and extracting lead for resale. Following a query from the GST commissioner’s office about the company’s transactions in 2021-22, the victim submitted all documentation and awaited clearance. As delays persisted, the victim sought assistance from acquaintances, leading to his encounter with the fraudulent CBI impersonator.
The imposter, claiming to be a “CBI commissioner,” duped the victim between August 2022 and April of this year. He took money on various pretexts, including offering investment opportunities with promised high returns. The accused even displayed a sign on his vehicle identifying him as a CBI officer.
Despite the victim’s substantial investments, he received neither the GST clearance nor the anticipated returns. When he demanded the return of his funds, the imposter blocked his communication channels.
Frustrated by the deception, the victim filed a complaint with the police, resulting in the arrest of the accused on Monday. The fraudster faces charges under Indian Penal Code sections 420 (cheating), 406 (criminal breach of trust), and 170 (personating a public servant). The accused appeared before a local court and has been remanded in police custody until September 14. The authorities are currently investigating whether the perpetrator may have targeted additional victims using similar tactics.
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