The Mumbai police are actively pursuing a man named Akshay Singh, accused of extorting Rs 12 lakh in cash and Rs 5 lakh worth of gold ornaments from his ex-girlfriend. The alleged extortion involved threats to disclose intimate photographs to the woman’s husband. Authorities have also booked two of Singh’s relatives, who lent money to the woman to fulfill the monthly payments demanded by the extortionist. The search is underway for Akshay’s relatives as well.
The incident unfolded in the eastern suburbs of the city, as detailed in the complaint by a 32-year-old woman who had been in an extra-marital relationship with Akshay for two years before calling it off. During their time together, Singh had taken intimate photographs, which he later used to blackmail her.
Over the past few years, Singh allegedly coerced the woman into paying a monthly sum to prevent the exposure of the photographs to her husband and the revelation of their extra-marital affair. She complied, paying around Rs 10,000 monthly along with additional expenses. When she couldn’t meet the financial demands, she resorted to pawning her jewelry and taking loans, including Rs 3 lakh from Akshay’s maternal aunt, Sunita, and pawning jewelry for Rs 5 lakh.
In her complaint, the woman claimed to have repaid the money borrowed from Sunita, but the latter persisted in demanding repayment. Matters escalated when Akshay and Sunita allegedly assaulted and confined the woman at Akshay’s house. They purportedly recorded a video in which they coerced her to admit owing Akshay Rs 10 lakh.
Unable to endure the situation any longer, the woman informed her husband and close relatives about the incident. Subsequently, they approached the local police station, leading to the registration of an FIR. The search for Akshay Singh and his relatives is actively ongoing.
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