On Friday, the clash between the state administration and Governor Jagdeep Dhankar was again revealed at the inauguration ceremony of the second campus of Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, in a virtual inaugural ceremony, took the Governor of Bengal in head-on in front of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mamata said that the governor is oblivious about the pandemic guidelines laid out by the Center and yet he is raising questions about the West Bengal government’s work regarding the Covid-19 response.

In the ceremony, Mamata Banerjee said that state was trying to comply with the Centre’s guidelines 99 per cent to bring the pandemic situation under control. Despite the political differences, all the rules given by the Center are followed to prevent the transmission, she said. “But,” she said, “the governor is raising the questions without even knowing anything about the guidelines.”

Mamata pleaded with the Prime Minister to increase the quota of doctors. “75 doctors of the same hospital tested Covid-19 positive. How can the doctors work? I request you to increase the quota of the physicians,” Mamata added.

She also said, “Another issue is the dearth of IAS officers. They are are also needed. The center has advised to take people from the outside. We have followed that path. But the governor is raising questions about that too. Why is not he aware about the directives of the Center?”

“One thing is clear, we work following the guidelines given to us by the Center. No matter how different our path is!” she added.

Arup Kali

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