West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee sustained an injury on Saturday while boarding a helicopter in Durgapur. Reports indicate that she was assisted by her security personnel and proceeded with her journey to Asansol. This incident occurred just a month after Banerjee suffered a significant injury to her forehead from a fall at her residence.
During the previous incident, a senior TMC leader explained, “She was walking in her drawing room when she suddenly slipped and fell down, and her head hit a glass showcase. This led to a deep cut on her forehead and profuse bleeding.”
In January, Banerjee narrowly escaped a car accident during her tour of East Burdwan. While near the Burdwan city, her convoy encountered a car reportedly speeding at 200 kmph. Despite her driver’s efforts to avoid the vehicle, Banerjee’s head hit the dashboard, resulting in swelling and a concussion.
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