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Make a time-table and stick to it: FIITJEE Director

R.L. Trikha shares with The Daily Guardian important tips to pass both coronavirus test as well as IIT examination.

Make a time-table and stick to it: FIITJEE Director

Not only has coronavirus put almost the entire economy on hold, it has also messed up the dreams of many students who have spent months preparing for JEE exams. While students are worried about how to prepare for these crucial exams amidst the lockdown, The Daily Guardian spoke to the R.L. Trikha, director of FIITJEE, for his tips to ace the exams. Excerpts:

Q. The dates for the IIT Mains and IIT Advanced have been announced. What is your message to the applicants?

A. We should categorise them into two groups. One, who have already appeared for JEE mains in the first stage in January; it’s time for them to rectify the mistakes they had made during the first stage of the examination. As for those who are appearing fresh in the second stage which is July 18-23, or even those who are repeating it for better grades or marks, my message for them will be to strategise and make a time-table and stick to it. Divide the time available on the three subjects equally and do quick revisions with all chapters.

Q. Now that the coaching classes and personal contact programmes have been put on hold, how have the online sessions helped students?

A. For the fresh batches, FITJEE along with technological partner MyPad has already started online classes. We have given a facility for everybody whether he joins through our admission test or not; our MyPad is open for anyone to join
as it’s free online.

We are giving this facility and extending this help because of Covid-19 so that a student’s career is not affected. This facility is available till the examinations are conducted and concluded for both JEE Mains and JEE advanced. Our platforms are available for all students and they can try and practise the papers
themselves. There are plenty of tests available to strengthen their concepts.

Q. For those students who were stuck at various places due to lockdown, what strategy did FIT JEE come up with and what is your message for them?

A. Let them try first from wherever they are; if they can be in touch with their teachers, there is nothing like it. The next best will be to seek the help of FITTJEE; either they can join my platform and attempt papers, or alternatively they can take admission through our admission tests. It’s for new students, so for old students, it won’t be worthwhile.

The least these can do is to let them chalk out a revision strategy, let them go through their notes, concepts and formulae and try out the mock tests as well as old papers and FITTJEE online tests. This will give them examination temperament and help get over their fears. My message to all students will be not to have any fear and have confidence that you can do it. Covid-19 has come, and it will go, but your aim and goal need to be clear. Stick to it and focus on it. Practise as much as you can; make use of this time.

Q. It’s said that the IIT entrance is all about a positive mindset. Do you believe students will be stressed due to Covid-19?

A. I think the only difference between Covid and other viruses is that it has taught
us to face any other virus. There are vaccines and medicines available but Covid-19 is a new virus and therefore we have to be worried. Even though the death rate might
not be as high as other viruses such as influenza. So, what I am trying to say is do not worry; just take precautions, stay indoors and stay safe. Have confidence and you will be able to pass this test.

Q. Do you believe the nature of these entrance exams will change in the post-Covid world?

A. I think all said and done, this is definitely going to delay the start of the next
academic session in any institute. As for the schooling for students who’re fresh and have to apply next year, something has to be thought of by the HRD Ministry. Most probably they will have to shorten the course, they may also have to remove other things. Selfstudy is also very important now. IIT JEE will also have to curtail the syllabus for the coming year. Maybe after Covid-19 is through, everything will be normal like it was last year.
