A massive fire broke out in the forest area of Sariska Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan’s Alwar district, said a forest official on Tuesday. Indian Air Force (IAF) choppers have been deployed to douse the blaze. The IAF said that it has deployed two Mi 17 V5 helicopters to undertake Bambi Bucket operations and the firefighting operations are underway since early morning on Tuesday. “At the behest of Alwar District administration to help control spread of fire over large areas of Sariska Tiger Reserve, IAF has deployed two Mi 17 V5 helicopters to undertake Bambi Bucket operations. Fire Fighting Operations are underway since early morning today,” said the IAF.
Sudarshan Sharma, Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of Alwar said that nine square km of area is up in the flames as of now. “We were informed about the fire two days ago. We took the help of locals to control the fire. Nine square km of area is up in the flames as of now. We are trying to restrict the fire so that it doesn’t engulf the valley. Damage will be ascertained once the fire is doused,” said Sharma.
“As the fire was massive, efforts of locals weren’t enough. So we intimated the fire department in Jaipur. They deployed two choppers from Delhi to douse the fire. Areas having high tiger and rural people’s population are our priority,” said Sunita Pankaj, Additional DMof Alwar.
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