The state Home Minister Narottam Mishra said the Madhya Pradesh cabinet on Tuesday approved a bill to ban hookah lounges. This follows the state Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan’s declaration in October that hookah clubs would not be permitted to operate in Madhya Pradesh and would be bulldozed if necessary. Chouhan will also release a new Youth Policy, Mishra continued.
Neil Gaiman has denied multiple allegations of sexual misconduct following a New York Magazine article,…
A psychologist in Nagpur was arrested for exploiting and blackmailing at least 50 students over…
The designation of Tamil as a language to be celebrated in the US has sparked…
The Texas legislature’s 2025 session is bringing a renewed focus to abortion laws, particularly with…
A recent study on the Daintree rainforest reveals that rising temperatures significantly reduce the photosynthetic…
Papaitan, a Filipino soup made from cow bile, has gone viral online. Despite its unusual…