Mohan Yadav, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, ordered an investigation into the Guna road accident on Thursday, which left 12 people dead. In addition, he promised that those at fault would face harsh consequences. On Guna-Aron road in Guna on Wednesday night, a bus collided with a dumper truck and caught fire. According to authorities, this resulted in at least one death and fourteen injuries.
CM Mohan Yadav said, “It is a sad incident. I am in constant contact with the District Collector and SP. I am visiting Guna right now. It is a heart-breaking incident, and we will try to ensure that such an incident does not happen again.”
“I have ordered an inquiry into the matter. We are trying to find out information about the permit of the bus and how the accident occurred. Strict actions will be taken against the people responsible for it,” CM Yadav said.
“I am with the families of all the deceased in this hour of grief. We have our sympathies for the injured. We are hopeful that the administration will make arrangements to ensure that no such incident happens again,” he added.
According to police, the bus was on its way from Guna to Aron. The vehicle, with passengers, set off from Guna at 8 pm and met with the accident at 8:30 pm. Around 30 passengers were on board the vehicle when it met with the accident.
Priorities included recovering the bodies and making sure the injured received prompt and appropriate medical attention, according to Guna District Collector Tarun Rathi earlier on Wednesday.
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