Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu M.K Stalin seeks President Mumru’s intervention to ensure that Tamil Nadu Governor R.N Ravi abides by the advice of the State Cabinet as given in the constitution. The chief minister claims that Governor R.N Ravi omitted several parts from the speech which was approved by the Cabinet and said some parts which were not in the approved copy of the speech. He also mentioned the Governor did not mention the names of important leaders revered by the nation.
The main reason to add those names was to ensure the names were recorded in assembly records.
Governor R.N Ravi has engaged in a political ideological conflict with the state government. CM Stalin urges President Mumru to uphold the principles of democracy in the matter. He also highlighted the fact that Governor Ravi had not given assent to several bills passed in the assembly., causing hurdles to the functioning of the state government. He mentioned that Ravi’s public discourse is against Tamil Nadu’s pluralism and communal harmony. “Governor ought to be beyond political differences,” said CM Stalin.
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