The gorgeous Priyanka Chopra recently made heads turn at Met Gala 2023. The actress was accompanied by her husband Nick Jonas, who looked handsome in a Valentino ensemble. Now, as the event has concluded, PeeCee has dived right back into work, as she was spotted at the premiere of her next, Love Again. The actress looked like a vision in a blush blue gown. PeeCee left her hair loose and wore dewy makeup. The film will release on May 12 in the country.
A while ago, Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao took to his Instagram story and shared a picture with Priyanka Chopra. The gorgeous duo reunited in New York. Rajkummar Rao even attended the star-stubbed premiere of Love Again. Along with the picture, the actor shared his review also. He wrote, “Congratulations [Priyanka Chopra] on #LoveAgain. Really enjoyed this sweet, fun romantic comedy with some fine performances and you were fab as always my friend. Thank you for having me for your New York screening of Love Again.” For the unversed, the film revolves around a woman who struggles to live her life after the sudden death of her boyfriend.
Take a look at Rajkummar Rao’s Instagram Story
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