Masaba Masaba actress Kusha Kapila is being subjected to immense trolling ever since she announced her divorce from Zorawar Ahluwalia. Well, now, Zorawar has spoken out about their divorce for the first time. Taking to his Instagram Story, he wrote, “We realise we live public lives, but we still hold certain things sacred. Our marriage and respect for each other being one of them. Divorce much like our marriage was a decision we both made together, after much deliberation and thought. It was a tough and painful decision but one we took collectively, for the sake of both of our well-being. What has transpired over the last 24 hours, with Kusha being subject to vile attacks online makes me sad and disappointed. To attack Kusha’s character and paint her as some villain is shameful. Let’s all please do better.”
Take a look at Zorawar Ahluwali’s Instagram Story
On Monday, Masaba Masaba actress Kusha Kapila announced her divorce from Zorawar Ahluwalia. The actress in her Instagram post revealed, “We gave it our all, until we couldn’t anymore.”
Amid their divorce announcement, an old video of the actress and Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar talking about infidelity has surfaced on Reddit. To note, the video is from a digital chat show ‘Social Media Star With Janice. In the old video, KJo tells the actress We have to exchange our numbers and remember I’m on WhatsApp all the time. So, don’t iMessage me just WhatsApp me. If you discuss any kind of problem you are having with Zorawar then call me.” To this, Masaba Masaba actress responds, “I know he therapises people. I have watched enough Karan Johar content to know that he is everybody’s go-to relationship person.”
Karan jokingly says, ““I’m very good at giving relationship advices. The first relationship advice, I will say ‘break up.” Further, he adds, “And remember sexual infidelity is not infidelity.” Masaba Masaba actress agrees with his statement and says, “I believe that.”
Well, her statement has not gone down well with a section of social media users.
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