The winners of the 69th National Film Awards were announced on August 24. Pankaj Tripathi was awarded the Best Supporting Actor for his performance in the film Mimi. The lead actress of the film, Kriti Sanon, received the prestigious honor for the Best actress. The gorgeous actress took the opportunity to congratulate her co-star. Kriti took to her Instagram Stories to express her happiness and congratulate Pnakaj Tripathi. She shared a behind-the-scenes still from their film and wrote, “Congratulations to my favvvvv @pankajtripathi sir!! (red heart, hugging face emoji) Your father would be so so proud..”
Take a look at Kriti Sanon’s Instagram Story
For those unaware, Pankaj Tripathi’s father, Pandit Banaras Tiwari passed away a few days ago at the age of 99. The actor, who was celebrating the success of his recently released film OMG 2, had immediately left for his village in Gopalganj for his last rites.
Stay tuned for more such news.
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