The gorgeous Kriti Sanon started shooting for her upcoming mystery-thriller titled Do Patti in which she will not only be one of the actors, but she will also be producing it. Taking to Instagram, Kriti shared a couple of pictures that mark the 1st day of the shoot for the film. The first pictures shows the actress curling her lashes. In the next two pictures, we can see Kriti sitting in front of her dresser. The last picture shows the clipboard of the film. It has the name of the director Shashanka Chaturvedi on it.
In the caption of her post, Kriti wrote, “Day 1 of shoot for me on #DoPatti. Time to Reinvent! Wearing 2 caps this time. Lots of Blue Butterflies dancing in my stomach as I start this very special journey. Probably my MOST challenging role so far. a story that touched me so deeply that it had to be the first for @bluebutterflyfilmsofficial! #DoPattiLets make a film we are proud of! Let’s create magic! @bluebutterflyfilmsofficial @kathhapictures @netflix_in @kajol.”
Take a look at Kriti Sanon’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, she will be next seen in Ganapath: Part 1 with Tiger Shroff an untitled robotic love story with Shahid Kapoor and The Crew, amongst other projects.
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