Ranvir Shorey’s father, actor Krishan Dev Shorey, died on Friday night at the age of 92, the actor announced on social media Saturday morning. On Saturday, the actor took to Twitter to share a photo of his late father and write about his father’s death. He was described as the actor’s “greatest source of inspiration and protection.”
Sharing a picture of his father smiling for the camera, Ranvir wrote, “My beloved father, Krishan Dev Shorey, passed away peacefully last night at the ripe old age of 92, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He leaves behind wonderful memories and many admirers. I have lost my greatest source of inspiration and protection.”
On the post, Ranvir’s friends and colleagues in the industry, as well as fans, expressed their condolences. “Sorry for your loss, Ranvir,” TV producer Raj Nayak wrote. “May his soul find peace.” “So sorry for your loss, Ranvir,” writer-director Mihir Fadnavis said. “Sorry to hear about it..no one can replace Father and mother’s love. Om Shanti” wrote one of the actor’s fans in response to his tweet.
Krishan Dev Shorey, or KD Shorey as he was popularly known, was a film producer who worked on films such as Zinda Dil, Be-Reham, and Bad Aur Badnaam in the 1970s and 1980s. In addition, he directed the 1988 film Maha-Yuddh, which starred Gulshan Grover, Mukesh Khanna, Kader Khan, and Paresh Rawal. He also made uncredited appearances.
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