Satyaprem Ki Katha saw an expected dip of 27 percent on the second day. The film has collected in the range of Rs 6.25 to 6.75 crore, taking the two-day total to Rs 15.25 crore. The film will see a jump in the business on Saturday. The 4-day extended weekend target for the film will be in the vicinity of Rs 33 crore, and from thereon it will be on the crucial Monday test.
Written by Karan Shrikant Sharma and directed by Sameer Vidwans, the film stars Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani in the lead roles. They also delivered the blockbuster ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2. The film was expected to face tough competition from Om Raut’s directorial Adipurush, but the debacle of Adipurush at the box office can be a good sign for Satyaprem Ki Katha.
The actor is working on a number of exciting film projects. Currently, he is preparing for an action drama which will be directed by with Bajrangi Bhaijaan fame Kabir Singh. On the other hand, Kiara will be seen alongside Ram Charan in Game Changer. The film will release in mid-2004. The actress may also be a part of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, although it is not confirmed by either Kiara or T-series.
You can watch Satyaprem Ki Katha at a theatre near you.
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