Kerala Police have arrested 113 people who were accused in various criminal cases, under ‘Operation Aag’. Operation AAG is a 360-degree action against anti-social elements. In this the police will collect their details, including biometrics, the latest photos, associates, vehicles, and family. Data collection and strengthening evidence against them is the key plan according to police commissioner Nagraj.
A severe cold wave is gripping North India, bringing dense fog, heavy rains, and freezing…
Most of the WMF list includes sites in conflict zones, such as Ukraine and Gaza,…
After the RDX blast took place at the residence of Punjab Congress leader from Batala,…
The shocking incident at Saif Ali Khan’s residence, which took place in the early hours…
Hours after the Calcutta High Court pulled up the Mamata Banerjee Government for not taking…
The wildfires have ravaged large portions of the LA area, igniting in Pacific Palisades and…