The Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) of the Customs department seized 543 grams of gold worth Rs 27.70 lakh from a passenger at Kochi airport on Friday morning. While examining the passenger, a rectangular-shaped packet suspected to contain gold in compound form and weighing 543 grams was found stitched inside his underwear. The packet has been seized by the officials. The accused has been identified as Ashok. Further investigations are going on in this case.
A novel virus, provisionally named Xue-Cheng Virus (XCV), has recently been identified in northeastern China,…
A global scientific study has uncovered new genetic risk factors for depression, highlighting the importance…
Billionaire Richard Liu Qiangdong continues to support his village, remembering the financial help he received…
Neil Gaiman has denied multiple allegations of sexual misconduct following a New York Magazine article,…
A psychologist in Nagpur was arrested for exploiting and blackmailing at least 50 students over…
The designation of Tamil as a language to be celebrated in the US has sparked…