Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal claimed on Friday that the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), which is led by the central government of the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP), is planning to create 16 new landfill sites apart from the three existing garbage mountains in the nation’s capital.Kejriwal also promised that he can fix the problem if the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) gets a chance to run the civic body.As AAP has made poor sanitation the centrepiece of its campaign in the upcoming municipal elections, Kejriwal said, “We have done a lot of work in education, health, and other sectors, but waste management continues to be abysmal in Delhi. The landfills are not only a cause of shame, but they are hell for people living near them, forcing them to deal with foul smell, frequent fires, and flies.”He also added, “We should have fixed the landfill sites by implementing the solid waste management techniques from foreign countries, but it was not done… the heights of the garbage mountains are rising.”Delhi’s CM alleged that there will be a landfill site in each area, and the BJP will make Delhi the national capital of trash mountains. He said, “We are developing lakes and parks to make Delhi a city of lakes, a city of gardens. These people are making Delhi a capital city of garbage mountains.”An MCD spokesperson denied claims that the corporation planned to set up new landfill sites at 16 locations. “…there is no plan to establish any new sanitary landfill sites. In fact, the corporation is working tirelessly to flatten the three existing landfill sites at Bhalswa, Okhla, and Ghazipur.”
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