Kerala Home Secretary Dr. V Venu and his wife Sarada Muraleedharan on Monday met with an accident near Kayamkulam after a truck rams their car at 12.30 am. Dr. V Venu, his wife Sarada Muraleedharan, also an IAS, and their son, driver, and two others got injured and have been admitted to a private hospital in Parumala. According to the Kayamkulam police Dr. Venu and his family are out of danger and they were traveling to Thiruvananthapuram from Ernakulam.
The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office has delayed Cabinet votes on the deal with Hamas amid…
The court directed that the records of the case, which are in Gujarati, be translated…
A melanistic Royal Bengal Tiger was poached in Similipal Tiger Reserve, one of the last…
More than 400 Washington Post journalists have raised alarm about the paper's leadership and future.…
In recent years, growing concerns have emerged about the impact of modern diets on children’s…
BCCI plans to overhaul the coaching staff, including a new batting coach, after India’s series…