NEW DELHI: Actor Kartik Aaryan has started dubbing for one of his much-anticipated films ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’. On Sunday night, the 31-year-old actor took to his Instagram story and shared a picture from the dubbing studio. ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ will hit theatres on May 20. The film was initially scheduled to release in July 2020, however, the release was postponed due to Covid-19. Then, it was slated to release on March 25 but was pushed to May to avoid a clash with SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus ‘RRR’. Directed by Anees Bazmee and produced by Bhushan Kumar under the banner T-Series, the comedy-thriller drama stars Kartik alongside Kiara Advani, Tabu and Rajpal Yadav. It is a sequel to director Priyadarshan’s 2007 film featuring Akshay Kumar and Vidya Balan in the lead roles
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DiCaprio’s contribution aligns with a broader wave of celebrity donations addressing the crisis.