Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan shared a cute picture of him celebrating Raksha Bandhan with sister Kritika Tiwari. The actor’s doggo Katori Aaryan was also part of the celebration. The picture shows the actor, dressed in a white kurta and distressed denims. In the caption of his post, Kartik wrote, “Katori mithai ke liye kar rahi, Main aashirwad ke liye. Happy Rakshabandhan.”
Meanwhile, Kartik is currently basking in the success of ‘Satya Prem Ki Katha’, which received a positive response from the audience. The film stars Kartik alongside Kiara Advani. Helmed by Sameer Vidhwans, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, ‘Satya Prem Ki Katha’ revolved around Kartik and Kiara’s love story. The film marks the actor’s second collaboration after the blockbuster ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’, which was released in 2022.
The actor is filming for Chandu Champion. The film is expected to release in 2024.
Take a look at Kartik Aaryan’s Instagram post
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