The Election Commission of India has announced the voting date for the Karnpur (03) Assembly constituency in the Sri Ganganagar district as 5 January 2024. The Chief Electoral Officer of the state, Praveen Gupta, mentioned that the notification for conducting elections in the Karnpur Assembly constituency would be issued on December 12. Along with the notification, the process of filing nominations will commence. The last date for submitting nomination papers is December 19. The scrutiny of nomination papers will take place on December 20. After this, candidates can withdraw their nominations until December 22. The voting will be held on January 5, 2024, and the counting of votes will be conducted on January 8.
Due to the election, the model code of conduct has been implemented in Sri Ganganagar district with the announcement of the election schedule on Tuesday.
It is worth noting that elections for all 200 assembly seats in Rajasthan were scheduled for November 25. However, on November 15, Gurmeet Singh Kunnar, the candidate from Karnpur constituency and the Congress party, passed away due to illness. He took his last breath at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. Consequently, voting in the Karnpur seat was postponed after his demise, and voting took place only on 199 out of the 200 seats on November 25. Therefore, the election schedule has now been announced.
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