In the Vijayanagara district of Karnataka, three sisters drowned while attempting to save their 14-year-old brother from capsizing in a lake. The occurrence happened on Wednesday. The deceased have been named Ashwini (17), Abhishek (14), Kavya (19), and Apoorva (14). Accidentally, Abhishek had fallen into the lake. Then, in an effort to save him, his older sister dove into the water.
Five siblings were playing near the lake around midday. While sitting by the lake, Abhishek unintentionally slipped into the water. Kavya and Apoorva followed their elder sister Ashwini as she dove into the lake in an effort to save him.
They all drowned, according to the authorities, because none of them knew how to swim. According to Vijayanagara superintendent Arun K, one of the siblings, who is eight years old, alerted the villagers of the occurrence. The clothing was lying on the lake’s edge when the residents arrived.
Later, the police, with the help of local divers, managed to recover the bodies after a four-hour-long operation.
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