The gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan shared an adorable birthday post for her husband-actor Saif Ali Khan on his 53rd birthday. Bebo took to her official Instagram handle and shared an unseen picture from their recent trip. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “He chose the picture I could post on Instagram…even though he’s in front of me smiling away…and why not? it’s his birthday…May you always be this relaxed my jaaaan…❤️ Happy Birthday to my Ultimate Lover…❤️There truly is no one like you …Kind ,Generous,Crazy …ok I can go on writing all day …but gotta go eat Cake.”
Take a look at Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Instagram post
Reacting to her post, one of the fans wrote, “That’s what couple goals look like.” Another wrote, “Awwww how adorable. I see Barbie and her Ken! Be blessed and crazy always!!! Happy birthday Saifu!! Keep spoiling Beboo and kids with your love forever and ever.” Another commented, “I love you both my favourite couple.”
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