In Kapurthala, the Punjab Vigilance Bureau apprehended SDIO Agamjot Singh and Filter Helper Manjeet Singh on Thursday, alleging their involvement in demanding a bribe of one lakh rupees. The complaint against the accused was lodged by civil contractor Jatinder Singh, a resident of Solar Road, Patiala, through the Chief Minister’s anti-corruption helpline.
Following an investigation into the complaint, both accused were taken into custody. The complainant, who owns the construction firm Messrs. Goraya Contractors, Patiala, asserted that his company was fined Rs. 2,49,824 for a delay in one of the projects assigned by SDIO Agamjot Singh in IKJ-PTU Kapurthala. According to the Vigilance Bureau spokesperson, a case has been registered under the Prevention of Corruption Act in connection with the incident. During the investigation, it was revealed that the complainant, as part of the evidence, created a fake receipt, subtracted Rs. 1,59,951 from the fine amount, and accused SDIO and his Filter Helper of soliciting a bribe.
The complainant alleged that they threatened him, stating that if he did not pay a bribe of seven lakh rupees, they would file a criminal complaint against him.The complainant further disclosed that a settlement was reached at one lakh rupees. Fearing the threat of a complaint, the complainant deposited the deducted amount of Rs. 1,59,951 with the department. Notably, the contractor recorded conversations with the accused.The Vigilance Bureau Jalandhar Range, upon investigating the online complaint, found SDIO and Filter Helper guilty of seeking a bribe from the complainant. Both accused will be presented in court on Friday for further legal proceedings.
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