The gorgeous actress Kangana Ranaut recently attended the Tiku Weds Sheru party in Mumbai. The actress took to her Instagram stories on Friday and shared pictures from the Tiku Weds Sheru party. Kangana was seen posing with Nawazuddin. In the caption, she wrote, “With Sheru mia.” For the bash, the talented actress wore an off-shoulder saffron dress with golden-coloured heels. On the other hand, Nawazuddin wore a white shirt with a beige blazer and mathing pants. In another picture, Kangana was seen kissing Avneet Kaur on her cheeks. Along with the picture, she wrote, “With national crush Tiku.”
For the unversed, the film marks Kangana’s first venture as a producer. It stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Avneet Kaur, who is also making her big Bollywood debut in the film. Tiku Weds Sheru was released on June 23 and received mixed reviews from all.
Meanwhile, Kangana Ranaut will soon be seen in Emergency. In the film, she is not just playing the lead but is also directing it. Emergency will hit theatres on October 20, 2023. Last week, the actress lashed out at the ‘movie mafia’ for derailing her film. She took to her official Instagram handle to express her anger through a couple of posts in her Instagram stories.
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