Jiah Khan, who was seen in Bollywood films like Housefull, Ghajini, and Nishabad, was found dead at her home in Mumbai on 3rd June 2013. Today, a special CBI Court in Mumbai will give its final verdict in connection with the death of the actress. After a letter written by the actress was found that described her tumultuous relationship with Sooraj Pancholi, Mumbai Police arrested him. A while ago, the actor was seen leaving for court. The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram.
Check out the viral video below
In the viral video, the actor is seen sporting a green shirt denim jeans. He did not interact with the media and was seen joined by his mother Zarina Wahab and his team. The final verdict is expected to be announced around 10.30 am. Earlier, one of the family members from the Pancholi family talked to ETimes. The family member said, “Going by the merits of the case, the entire family is positive. But we are also anxious about the verdict which is slated to come out on April 28 in the Special CBI Court number 52.”
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