On Wednesday, the enforcement wing of the JDA took action in Prithviraj Nagar-North, sealing an illegally constructed building. Dharmendra Yadav, Chief Controller of the Enforcement Branch, revealed that a commercial structure was erected on a residential plot in Maa Karni Nagar-B on Maharana Pratap Road without proper land conversion. Despite issuing a notice instructing the builder to cease work and dismantle the unauthorised construction, construction on two stories beyond the basement was underway. In response, during the enforcement action, the illicit construction was sealed by erecting brick walls at entry and exit points.
The JDA also successfully reclaimed government land in the Central Park complex from encroachment. Overnight, attempts were made to seize the land adjacent to Tonk Road by surreptitiously burying pillars, but the authority reclaimed the land during the enforcement action.
On Tuesday, the JDA’s enforcement wing successfully reclaimed 14 bighas of government land from encroachment. Additionally, two illegal colonies were demolished during the operation. In Bagrana village, construction was underway through the illegal occupation of two bighas of government land, which was subsequently freed from encroachment.
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