In a devastating incident in Mahore, Reasi district, three individuals lost their lives on Saturday evening when a soil-excavation machine (JCB), overturned and fell into a ditch. The unfortunate event occurred during the operation of the machine in Sungri Nallah in Chassana.The victims have been identified as Natish Kumar (23) from Kalakote Rajouri, Rajinder Kumar (27) from Patnitop Udhampur, and Hushayair Singh from Balmakote Reasi. According to official reports, the soil excavation machine met with an accident, resulting in the immediate and tragic demise of the trio.
SDM Mahore, Sayed Mazhar Ali Shah, confirmed the incident, stating that the cause of death was drowning. The community mourns the loss of these three lives in this unfortunate accident. Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the incident are likely to be initiated to determine the factors leading to the overturning of the machine and subsequent tragic outcomes.
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