The action movie Jawan, starring Shah Rukh Khan, keeps soaring and dominating the domestic box office. After topping the box office for the first week, the movie picked up steam again on its second weekend. According to market watcher Sacnilk, Jawan made over Rs 31.50 crore on its second Saturday. The movie’s net domestic take now stands at Rs. 440.48 crore. It won’t be surprising if the Atlee-directed film crosses the Rs 500 crore mark on Sunday given its current pace.
In the Hindi market, Jawan had a 37.29% occupancy rate, with the majority of viewers tuning in for the evening programs. Tamil and Telugu had respective occupancy rates of 33.51% and 29.40%. Taran Adarsh, a film industry analyst, released the movie’s Saturday night box office totals through 9.45 p.m. On X, he posted: “#Jawan THE HURRICANE… Business SOARS on Saturday… nationwide chains… Saturday, Week 2, at 9.45 p.m.⭐️ #PVR + #INOX: 11.80 cr ⭐️ #Cinepolis: 3.10 cr ⭐️ Total: ₹ 14.90 cr 🔥🔥🔥.”
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