Ira Khan, the daughter of Aamir Khan, recently tied the knot with her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare in an extravagant Udaipur wedding that unfolded over five days, commencing from January 6 and concluding on January 10. Prior to the elaborate festivities, the couple officially registered their marriage in Mumbai on January 3. Aamir Khan is set to host a wedding reception for Ira and Nupur on January 13.
According to sources, it is anticipated that more than 2500 guests will grace the reception at the Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) venue. Aamir Khan has extended a warm invitation, urging everyone to attend and bestow their blessings upon the couple, considering it as the most significant gift. He has meticulously organized arrangements for music and a lively atmosphere to guarantee an enjoyable time for all attendees.
As per an insider, the reception is set to offer a diverse culinary experience, with a menu boasting a selection of nine different state cuisines. The focus is said to be on prominently featuring Gujarati dishes, complemented by delectable Lucknowi and Maharashtrian delicacies.
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