Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, and her husband Nupur Shikhare celebrated their mehendi ceremony at Taj Aravali Amphitheatre Lawns in Udaipur. The couple, who got married in Mumbai last week, shared inside pictures from the mehendi function on social media. One of the guests posted images on Instagram, featuring the palms of the bride and groom adorned with the inscription “I (love emoji) N.” In another photo, mehendi artists were seen creating intricate designs on Ira’s hands. Ira opted for a white dress paired with funky shades, while Nupur wore a traditional outfit. The venue was beautifully decorated with white flowers, and mehendi artist Usha Shah was hired for the occasion.
Earlier, the couple had shared glimpses of their festivities, including pictures with Ira’s younger brother Azad and friend Mithila Palkar. For the previous event, Ira wore a little black dress and minimal accessories, while Nupur donned a tuxedo.
On Monday, Ira and Nupur delighted their Instagram followers with a video from their wedding day. In the video, Nupur Shikhare shared that he ran to the wedding venue, revealing, “From my house to Ira’s house, I used to run. I have a very special connection to this route. Emotional reason.” The official Instagram page of Weddfeels – Wedding Planner provided more insights in the caption, stating, “From finishing the Iron Man four times to being Ira’s man forever, Nupur chose to run to their wedding venue for a very emotional reason that is close to the couple’s heart. A little glimpse into the beautiful vibe of the day.”
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare got engaged in September 2022 and officially tied the knot on January 3, with Aamir Khan’s ex-wife Reena Dutta, son Junaid, ex-wife Kiran Rao, and son Azad attending the festivities.