Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan celebrated his 36th birthday with his lovely wife, Natasha Dalal. Now, he took to his official Instagram handle and shared glimpses from the celebrations. In the pictures, the actor is seen in a white shirt and matching pants with a beige hat. On the other hand, the star wife looks gorgeous in a white bralette, matching shorts, and a long lilac-coloured shrug layered over it. One of the few pictures shows the actor posing with his friends.
Along with the pictures, Varun wrote, “Bday with the best crew Thank u for all the wishes. 36 begins.” Reacting to his pictures, one of the fans wrote, “Can’t believe you posted.” Another wrote, “I was waiting since morning for this.”
Take a look at Varun Dhawan’s Instagram post
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor will next be seen in Nitesh Tiwari’s Bawaal. The film also stars Janhvi Kapoor. Apart from this, he will also be seen in the Indian installment of the series Citadel, alongside Samantha Ruth Prabhu.
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