Delhi’s daily infection tally crossed the 5,000-mark for the first time as the national capital recorded 5,673 fresh cases of Covid-19 cases. This is the highest single-day spike till date, and has taken the capital’s total caseload to over 3.7 lakh. Forty new fatalities were also recorded in the last 24 hours, pushing Delhi’s death toll to 6,396. Meanwhile, India’s Covid-19 caseload surged past the 80 lakh-mark with 43,893 new cases being reported in the last 24 hours. The death toll also climbed to 1,20,171 with 508 new fatalities. However, the number of new cases reported nationwide in 24 hours remained below 45,000. The national recovery rate is also at 90.85%, while the case fatality rate stands at 1.50%.
India’s worst-affected state, Maharashtra, recorded 6,738 fresh cases in the last 24 hours, which took the state’s total tally to 16,60,766. The fatality count reached 43,554 after 91 persons died due to the infection, but a total of 8,430 patients were discharged during the day, which took the tally of recovered persons to 14,86,926. With this, the number of active cases in Maharashtra stood at 1,29,746.
Madhya Pradesh recorded 788 fresh Covid-19 cases, taking the tally to 1,69,271, while 15 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 2,913. A total of 1,032 patients were discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours too, due to which the state›s overall recovery count improved to 1,56,264.
Uttar Pradesh recorded 2,049 new cases in the past 24 hours, taking the Covid-19 tally to 4,76,034. The death toll reached 6,958 as 18 more people succumbed to the virus. The number of active cases in the state is currently 25,487, while a total of 4,43,589 patients have been treated and discharged.
Haryana reported 1,518 new Covid-19 cases and 8 deaths, which took the state›s overall Covid-19 count to 1,62,223 cases and 1,758 deaths. As many as 948 patients were also discharged, which took overall recoveries in Haryana to 1,49,451 with a recovery rate of 92.13%.
Meanwhile, West Bengal recorded the highest single-day count of recoveries, with 3,925 Covid-19 patients being cured, taking the total number to 3,17,928. The discharge rate in the state has now improved to 87.90%.
In the south, Tamil Nadu recorded 2,516 fresh Covid-19 cases, pushing the tally to 7,16,751, while the death toll mounted to 11,018 with 35 more deaths. However, the government said the pandemic is under control.
Kerala also witnessed 8,790 fresh Covid-19 cases after testing 66,980 samples in the past 24 hours. The positivity rate in the state has continued to hover around 13-14% for two weeks now. The state also saw 27 more Covid-19 deaths, taking the death toll to 1,403. Active cases in Kerala stand at 93,264 currently, whereas 3,16,692 patients have been cured so far.
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