India witnessed a spike of 18,940 fresh Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of active cases in the country has fallen to 173,762 while the caseload tally stands at 10,720,971. The country continues to be second-most-affected globally and ranks 13th among worst-hit nations by active cases. The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. The total number of people vaccinated so far stands at 28,47,608. India is also the fastest to reach the first one million vaccinations.

Delhi recorded as many as 249 fresh coronavirus cases. With this, the tally of cases has reached over 6.34 lakh while the death toll mounted to 10,841. Six fatalities have been recorded. The case tally stands at 6,34,773 including 6,22,381 patients who have either been discharged or have migrated or recovered. The number of active cases is 1,551 of which 583 are in home isolation.

Maharashtra’s Covid-19 tally rose to 20,21,184 as it recorded 2,771 new infections. The state also reported 56 deaths, taking the fatality count to 51,000. On the other hand, 2,613 patients were discharged after treatment, pushing the number of recovered people to 19,25,800. There are 43,147 active patients in Maharashtra. Mumbai reported 494 new cases which pushed its overall case count to 3,08,063 while its death toll rose to 11,338 with eight more deaths.

Haryana recorded 107 new coronavirus cases while another person died from the pathogen. The state had reported no fatality for the past three days. The total number of fatalities in the state rose to 3,015. The number of active cases is 1,192 while as many as 2,63,501 people have recovered. The recovery rate is 98.43%.

Karnataka reported 468 fresh Covid-19 cases, 607 discharges, and two deaths. The overall count pushed to 9,38,401. The number of active cases is 6,061, meanwhile, 9,20,110 patients have been discharged so far. The death toll rose to 12,211. Andhra Pradesh reported 125 new coronavirus cases and 175 recoveries. Total case tally mounted to 8,87,591, meanwhile, 8,79,131 people have recovered so far. The death toll rose to 7,152 while the number of active cases is 1,308.

There was an addition of 509 Covid-19 cases in Tamil Nadu, taking the total number of infections to 8,37,327. After 531 patients were discharged, the number of active cases stood at 4,601. There were six deaths registered, and 52,520 samples tested.