Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar said that the state government is making tireless efforts to take the teachings and thoughts of saints and great men, who give direction to society, to the masses. For this only, a unique initiative has been started to officially celebrate the birth anniversaries of saints and great men. Khattar said this while addressing the gathering as the Chief Guest at the “Bhagwan Parshuram Mahakumbh” organised in Karnal on Sunday. The Chief Minister said that, not as the Chief Minister, but as the MLA from Karnal, he welcomes people from different corners of the state who have come to attend this auspicious programme.

While bowing down to Lord Parshuram, he said that he is very fortunate that today he got the opportunity to have a ‘darshan’ of this huge group of Brahmins as he attends “Lord Parshuram Mahakumbh”. Khattar said that Lord Parshuram Ji not only gained the knowledge of Vedas and Shastras by taking birth in a Brahmin family, but he also learned the art of using weapons while adopting the Kshatriya nature and due to this he is called the worshiper of the entire Sanatan world and the knower of all weapons and scriptures, he added.  Lord Parshuram Ji took up arms with the aim of establishing social justice and equality and protecting the rights of the oppressed sections of the society, said the Chief Minister. He said that the saints gave education, taught values to society and worked to remove the evils prevalent in the community. Therefore, to ensure the maximum spread of the teachings and values taught by these great saints and great men to the masses, Sant Mahapurush Vichar Evam Prasar Yojana has been started, under which birth anniversaries and memorial days of saints and great men are being celebrated at state level, said the CM.

The Chief Minister said that the knowledge of Brahmins does not belong to any society or caste, it belongs to the entire society. The one who knows Brahma is a Brahmin and Brahmin work to give direction to society and raise their voice against injustice.  He said that establishing morality in society and establishing the high ideals of Indian culture is the utmost duty of any Brahmin. Following the mantra of Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek, the welfare of every class, section is ensured.  Khattar said that when he formed the government in the year 2014, he gave the slogan of Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek. Following this mantra, many welfare schemes were made to ensure holistic development and the welfare of the poor.  In connection with e-governance, PPP has been created, through which the benefits of welfare schemes are reaching poor families directly, said Khattar.

“We have started ‘Mukhya Mantri Antyodaya Parivar Utthan Yojana’ to raise the standard of living of poor families. In its first phase, by identifying the poorest 2 lakh families, a target has been set to make their minimum annual income Rs 1.80 lakh,” said the Chief Minister.  

The Chief Minister said that under the CHIRAYU Haryana scheme, needy families of the state have also started giving benefits of Ayushman Bharat scheme, whose annual income is up to Rs 1.80 lakh. The expenses of up to Rs 5 lakh for the treatment of these families to be included in the CHIRAYU Haryana scheme will be borne by the state government. Earlier, 15,51,798 families in Haryana were being covered under the Ayushman Bharat scheme. But now State Government have expanded the scope of the scheme at the expense of the state government. With this, 28,89,036 families are now being covered in the state, he shared. 

Haryana Government has taken a unique initiative to spread the thoughts and teachings of saints and great men, Union Minister of State on this occasion, Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Ashwini Kumar Choubey said that Brahmins are the embodiment of sacrifice, dedicated to nation-building and social welfare. He said that under the leadership of Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, the Haryana government has taken a unique initiative to remember and spread the thoughts and teachings of saints and great men. Due to his efforts, Gita Mahotsav has been celebrated internationally since the year 2016.  The message of holy Gita is spreading all over the world. He said that Prime Minister, Narendra Modi is working for the welfare and upliftment of society and the country by following the mantra of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Prayas and Sabka Vishwas.  Similarly, Chief Minister, Manohar Lal is working for the welfare of all sections in the state while following the slogan of Haryana Ek-Haryanvi Ek. On this occasion, Members Parliament,  Sanjay Bhatia, Dr. Arvind Sharma,  Ramesh Chander Kaushik, Rajya Sabha MPs General (Retd) Dr. DP Vats,  Kartikeya Sharma, BJP State president,  OP Dhankar, MLAs, Mohan Lal,  Harvinder Kalyan,  Nirmal Chaudhary, former minister, Ram Bilas Sharma were present.