In continuation with the efforts of government in empowering women in various sectors including defence, the Ministry of Defence has decided to open the doors of Sainik Schools for girls from academic session 2021-22. Sainik School Balachadi, Jamnagar, is also gearing up for admitting girls initially in class VI from the next academic session. At least 10% of total vacancies or minimum ten whichever is more will be reserved for girls.

An exclusive hostel is being earmarked in school and other necessary arrangements are being made for them. Along with studies, military training will be given to girls in the same manner as it is being conducted for boys enabling them to join as defence officers in armed forces.

For the first time, National Testing Agency (NTA) is going to conduct the entrance examination for admissions in Sainik Schools. The online admission process for the next academic session is going to continue till 19 November 2020 and the entrance examination will be conducted on 10 January 2021.