A 23-year-old student from Nashik, Maharashtra, studying in the M-Tech final year at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in New Delhi, was reportedly found hanging in his hostel room, according to the police. The incident was reported from the Dronagiri Hostel on the IIT campus. A police official stated, “A PCR call was received from IIT Delhi, Dronagiri Hostel, wherein it was informed that a 23-year-old boy from Nashik, Maharashtra, was found hanging in a room in Dronagiri Hostel, IIT Campus.” The police have conducted a crime team inspection, and further investigation is ongoing. The identity of the deceased has not been disclosed yet. This incident follows a similar tragedy in July 2023 when a fourth-year B.Tech student, Ayush (20) from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, allegedly died by suicide in his hostel room at the same institute.
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