The Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, laid the foundation stone for the first PET Block at Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC) in Shimla on Friday. The project is expected to cost Rs 45.68 crore, which includes Rs 21 crore for a Single Positron Emission Tomography (PET) CT machine, Rs 9 crore for a photon emission computerised tomography (SPECT) CT machine, and Rs 15.68 crore for civil works.
During the ceremony, the Chief Minister stated that the new PET block will provide world-class facilities to patients within the state, which will save them money and time. The facility is expected to detect cancer, assist with response and follow-up, and benefit other departments such as cardiology, psychiatry, and urology. The three-story building will also have modern amenities for patients, doctors, and paramedical staff, as well as parking space for around 50 vehicles. The state government plans to establish PET scan facilities in all medical colleges within a year and has allocated Rs 400 crore for the Center of Excellence for Cancer Care in Dr Radhakrishnan government medical college Hamirpur. The government has also earmarked funds in the budget for the study of cancer causes due to the increasing number of cancer patients in the state.
The Chief Minister emphasised that the health sector is a top priority for the state government, and efforts are being made to provide world-class medical facilities by eliminating the referral system in government hospitals. He mentioned that the state government has made special provisions for the health sector in the budget, including the establishment of a Department of Medical Emergency in all medical colleges.
The Health Minister, Dr (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil, stated that the present State Government is committed to working towards the health and welfare sectors. He stressed the importance of advanced technology in the medical field to provide better health facilities to the people of the state.
The Chief Parliamentary Secretary Sanjay Awasthi, MLA Harish Janartha, Principal Advisor (Media) to Chief Minister Naresh Chauhan, Secretary Health M Sudha Devi, and other senior officers of the IGMC were present on occasion amongst others. The Health Minister urged the people to be vigilant about Covid-19, as cases have been increasing day by day, emphasising the importance of following Covid appropriate behaviour and creating awareness among people about the virus.
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