In an old video, Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif revealed some details about her personal life. In a small clip of her interview with Siddharth Kanan, Katrina spoke about how she is different from Vicky Kaushal. Siddharth asked, “You pamper Vicky more, or Vicky pampers you more?” The actress replied, “Vicky pampers me more.” In the same interview, Katrina admitted that she doesn’t respond to Vicky when he calls her a ‘panic button’. The actress said, “When he calls me panic button, I don’t call him back, I don’t give him any response I am not Panicking.. Me Panic… What do you mean I am panicking? What’s wrong with you?”
Check out the full interview below
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress recently announced the release of her new film Merry Christmas with Vijay Sethupathi. As soon as the film’s poster was released, Bollywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar shared a cryptic post about films clashing on the same date. To note, Dharma Productions’ new film Yodha starring Sidharth Malhotra is also releasing on the same date.
Stay tuned for more such news.
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