Comedian Shraddha posted a couple of pictures of herself with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media. She expressed her joy and shared her feelings when the first word she heard from PM Modi was Aiyyo’. Shraddha posted the picture on Instagram on Monday and wrote, “Namashkar, yes, I met the Honorable Prime Minister of our Country. His first word to me was ‘Aiyyo!’. I am not blinking, that’s my ‘O My Jod, he really said that, this is really happening!!!!’ look. Thank you @narendramodi ji!” In the first picture, Shraddha was seen posing with PM Modi. In the second group picture, actor Yash and Kantara star Rishabh Shetty were also spotted. As soon as the pictures were uploaded, the comedian’s fans dropped in their comments. One of the users wrote, “Aiyoooooo.” Actor Gayatri Bhargavi wrote, “Hearty congratulations! u have earned it.”
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