Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yediyurappa on Tuesday said, while reiterating that everyone has to fight Covid-19, that lockdown is not the solution. “There will be no lockdown from tomorrow, people need to get back to work, the economy is also very important. We have to fight Covid-19 while maintaining a stable economy. Lockdown is not the solution, now restrictions will be placed only in containment zones,” the CM said. Yediyurappa said that experts have suggested a “5T” strategy — Trace, Track, Test, Treat and Technology — to fight Covid-19. “Our Covid warriors are working day and night to safeguard the people of the state, we have to maintain social distance, wear a mask while going out,” he added. The CM further said that more than 80 per cent Covid-19 cases in the state are asymptomatic.
“Five five per cent need ICU or ventilators, 11,230 beds are kept ready for the use of people including private hospitals, medical colleges. The real-time dashboard is ready to serve the people. Now onwards, test report will be given within 24 hours. SSLC exams were conducted successfully. More than 8 lakh students wrote exams in such a situation,” he said.
Commenting upon the allegations of Covid-19 mismanagement labelled by opposition leaders, he added, “I request all the opposition leaders not to make unnecessary comments. I request Siddaramaiah, D.K. Shivakumar and others to suggest us valuably to fight corona together. We will give all the details which are required to D.K. Shivakumar, Siddaramaih, H.D. Kumaraswamy. Not even one-rupee corruption is done in Covid-19 management.”
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