Dev Prakash Madhukar, the primary accused in the Hathras stampede, has been remanded to 14-day judicial custody by a court in Uttar Pradesh. Madhukar is the ‘mukhya sevadar’ of the ‘satsang’ where the stampede occurred. The tragedy, which claimed 121 lives and left hundreds injured, occurred on July 2 when thousands flocked to witness a satsang by Surajpal alias Bhole Baba.
In the latest development, Hathras police said on Friday that they arrested Madhukar, named as the prime suspect in the FIR filed after the stampede. Madhukar had obtained permission for the Satsang from the local sub-divisional magistrate.
“Madhukar had been on the run since July 2. He was arrested late Friday night,” said Nipun Agarwal, superintendent of police in Hathras. “He will be questioned in detail about his links with Baba, and information about other core members of the organizing committee will also be gathered.” The police had announced a reward of ₹1 lakh for Madhukar’s arrest.
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