Haryanvi singer Maasoom Sharma has once again found himself in controversy. A woman from a village in the Julana police area has lodged a complaint with the police, alleging that Maasoom Sharma, along with her brothers Vikas and Deepak, father Balkaram, mother Shukantla, Hariom, Praveen, and 20 others, assaulted her and threatened her with dire consequences. The woman claimed that the accused subjected her to harassment. The Julana police have initiated an investigation against the accused based on the complaint. Maasoom Sharma had faced allegations of harassment by a woman in the past, but an agreement had been reached among the parties involved in that case.
A few months ago, Maasoom’s sister-in-law had filed a complaint with the police, stating that some individuals had fired gunshots outside their home, leading to the registration of a case by the police. A settlement was reached in that case as well. Haryanvi singer Maasoom Sharma had received death threats over the phone 11 months ago. Threatening calls were made from two different numbers, where the caller identified himself as Sumit Malik Bhainswala and used abusive language. During this incident, Maasoom disconnected the call, and shortly after, another WhatsApp call was made from a different number, with Sumit threatening him while mentioning the name of a gang. On March 16, 2021, Maasoom Sharma and her family had received death threats. The individual making the threats resided in Jalalpur Khurd village in Jind district and was later arrested by the police.
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