Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Friday announced a Film City would be developed in the state. Upon his return to Chandigarh on Friday, he convened a high-level meeting of senior officers of various departments and held meetings on planning the Pinjore Film City, hiring drones to check illegal mining, making Agri malls functional etc. The Film City project would be carried out in a public-private partnership basis and will serve as a one-point destination for people involved in the film making business. While reviewing the arrangement for the procurement of kharif crops in the state, he directed that every farmer registered on the “Meri Fasal Mera Byora” portal be asked to indicate their likely convenient dates for bringing their produce to the mandi of their choice as well as whether they would like to be paid directly or otherwise. He directed the officers to make adequate arrangements for the purchase of farmers’ produce in the mandis across the state. he also directed that the Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP) programme be linked with HRMS. he said that PPP is a unique initiative of the state government under which each family in the state is being provided a unique identity. he said that PPP would ensure that people get the benefit of various welfare schemes and programmes at their doorstep and it would not only save their precious time but also ensure transparency in the service delivery.
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