Issue of PM Narendra Modi’s security breach while going to address a rally continues to create ruckus in the politics of Haryana and adjoining Punjab. Even, the Supreme Court took up the issue in wake of the seriousness of the matter. After the incident took place the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal continues to take on the Congress led Punjab government saying that the entire issue is the result of carelessness and casual approach of the Punjab ruling faction and moreover, the state police failed to perform its duty completely which is matter of serious concern. In this series, two committees constituted by the Ministry of Home Affair and the state government were cancelled by the Supreme Court.

While addressing a press conference here on Friday in Haryana Niwas Chandigarh, he again took a dig at the Punjab Chief Minister Charanjeet Singh Channi that it was a big failure of the state government and being the head, Channi is accountable for the breach in PM’s security and so he should resign from the post of the Chief Minister of Punjab immediately.

While in a reaction, Channi kept saying that the BJP failed to gather crowd in a rally slated to be held on January 5, 2021 and keeping in this in view, the PM Modi along with other BJP leaders have created hype pertaining to the matter for political mileage.

While addressing a press conference, Ashok Tanwar, Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader, also took on the BJP saying that the party leaders are leaving no stone unturned to take political mileage of the matter putting false allegations which is a contrary to political values and ethics. Calling it the breach of PM security seems quite false.

Further Manohar Lal said that the lapse in the security of the Prime Minister in Punjab is a matter of serious concern. We pray for the long life and fine health of the Prime Minister, he said. Responding to another question, he said that in our democratic system, the highest post is held by the Prime Minister and it is the responsibility of the State Government to ensure his safety on the movement routes. The Administration of Punjab completely failed to protect the Prime Minister, so we demand imposition of President’s rule in Punjab, he added.